Poster Submission

Forum topics
  1. Infection and immunity of zoonotic pathogens
  2. The spread, diagnosis, and prevention of zoonotic diseases

Poster Guidelines

Please download poster template here.

Submit Abstract and Posters form

All fields marked with an * are required

Consent for Conference Platform: By submitting your poster to the conference, you agree to your poster being included within the conference platform (with a mobile and web version) – access to which is only given to attendees to the conference.

Authors and Affiliations: You MUST enter the names of ALL authors here - including yourself if you are an author - in the order in which you wish them to appear in the printed text. Names omitted here will NOT be printed in the author index or the final program. 

Author Names: Please enter names in the below format:

First/Given Name - John 

Last/Family Name - Smith